Community Service

March Madness

Past Community Service

  • April 30th, 2011--YP of Augusta vs. AYP at the Ronald McDonald Plane Pull
  • May 13th and 14th--ACTS (Area Churches Together Serviing) Fan Drive
  • June 25th, 2011--Habitat for Humanity Build
  • July 23rd, 2011--Habitat for Humanity Build
  • May 10th, 2010--AYP sponsored Celebrity Waiter Night at Soiree in The Alley!
  • October 16-18th, 2010--AYP sponsored Celebrate Aiken's 175th Anniversary Final Event and the 1st Annual Aiken Dirt Road Race

AYP was involved in 2 habitat builds in Aiken in 2011 with about 10 members at each build performing duties such as painting, installing vinyl siding, and installing floors!

AYP Members assisted ACTS May 13th 9am-6pm and 14th 10am-7pm at Lowes of Aiken accepting fans from customers, handing out tax receipts, and loading them up for shipment. ACTS (Area Churches Together Serving) is a nonprofit group that provides services to needy families and individuals in the area. Lowe's in Aiken partnered with ACTS to provide fans (purchased by customers) to ACTS clients.

AYP defeated The YPs of Augusta in the 2nd annual Ronal McDonald House Plane Pull, finishing 2nd overall (by .04 seconds)! Congrats to the team!

With over 2000 people attending the Friday Night Family Event downtown, and over 80 people participating in the 1st Annual Aiken Dirt Road Race, the concluding event of AYP's involvement in Celebrate Aiken went well.

Click Here for the Event Poster!
Thanks to everyone who attended Celebrity Waiter Night benefiting Children's Place, Inc. I know all of the members who participated had a great time, as well as the customers who were able to take a few friendly shots at Aiken Public Safety's finest in the dunking booth outside Soiree. AYP raised a total of $1801 for the charity (finishing 6th out of 14 restaurants), and the event topped at $84,000, well over last year's mark of $62,000. Check back in a couple of days for pictures from the event! We're already looking forward to participating again in May 2011!

From the Aiken Standard (8/24/09) "Celebrity Waiter Night is the largest fundraiser of the year for Children's Place, a United Way agency that provides daycare for at-risk children from throughout Aiken County. Besides meals and a caring environment, the agency also provides speech, occupational, behavioral and play therapy tailored to each child's needs and parental and caregiver training and advice. Celebrity Waiter Night donations are used to support those therapeutic activities. The Children's Place staff cares for approximately 100 children each day and each year serves approximately 35,000 meals, makes approximately 1,500 home visits and provides more than 1,200 hours of therapy."

City of Aiken
Members attended multiple Town Hall Meetings through Aiken expressing their views and thoughts on the City of Aiken's 2010 update to the Strategic Plan. Our part was integral in planning projects and initiatives to keep Aiken the great community it is. The Strategic Plan divides Aiken into four parts: our Green, Family, Business, and Historic cities, and our input was an important part of developing overall strategies which will become the basis for annual goals and objectives and budget priorities. We look forward to continued coordination with the City of Aiken to continue with this endeavor!

AYP vs. YPA Softball Game 7/11/09: Aiken YP 21, YP of Augusta 5
>>Thanks to everyone who participated and attended the 1st Annual Aiken YP vs. YP of Augusta Charity Softball Game on July 11th. In addition to our 21-5 victory over the YP of Augusta, each group was able to raise $1000 for charity. Jason Rabun and Amanda Taylor, representing AYP, presented a check to Helping Hands of Aiken at the Augusta Greenjackets game on July 16th, where the Greenjackets wrapped up an exciting series by sweeping the West Virginia Power.. YP of Augusta was likewise able to donate $1000 to the Ray and Joan Kroc Corps Community Centers in Augusta. Members of both groups were able to network and socialize together after the softball game at Wild Wings courtesy of post game Young Professional specials, as well as at the Greenjackets game on July 16th on the VIP Party Deck. The event would not have been possible without everyone's help in selling tickets and their participation. Again, thanks for everyone's support!